
Monday, August 27, 2007



WEIGHTLOSS: - Have you been trying for weightloss? If you are in need of weightloss, then the only way for you to achieve weightloss is through increasing your metabolism.

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WEIGHTLOSS & METABOLISM: - Did you know that metabolism is the furnace that burns energy in the cell level that helps your achieve weightloss. Metabolism is the cell level fat and energy burner that ultimately achieves weightloss. Your body burns calories even for normal body functions like breathing and digestion in the cell level energy burner called metabolism that requires about 1500 kcal daily even if you don't exercise. So just by metabolism speedup you can achieve weightloss. The body also needs to maintain temperature which is a constant expenditure of energy which can be effectively utilized for weightloss. This means weightloss without dieting or starving yourself.

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HOW METABOLISM CAUSES WEIGHTLOSS: - Can you run a furnace without fuel? Enzymes are the fuel that burns fat and energy in the cells of your body that finally causes weightloss. But the enzymes will be manufactured in your body for metabolism and weightloss only if, there are essential ingredients like vitamins A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, & K (including their variants like B1, B2, ..... till B12), Minerals like zinc, copper, magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus, chromium, iodine, potassium etc, essential amino acids (some can be made in the body but not all) are available. If these are not absorbed by the body through the food you eat then the enzymes required for metabolism cannot be manufactured. No enzymes means no fuel for metabolism and no weightloss possible.

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NEGATIVE CALORIE FOOD & WEIGHTLOSS: - An apple pie of 350 calories may need only 100 calories to digest. The extra 250 calories are absorbed and by the body and if not burned in metabolism will be stored as fat. An apple containing 65 calorie may need 100 calories for the body digest which means spending 35 calories achieving weightloss. Negative calorie foods are aimed at energy spent in digestion that starts with chewing till it is thrown out.

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WEIGHTLOSS & STARVATION: - Anyone who eats less than 1500 kcal will start weightloss immediately. But as you continue to eat less the body senses that you are facing a famine and food is not available. This will trigger your brain to stop burning your fat and energy by reducing metabolism rate to fight the famine so that you can live longer. You can actually see that after two weeks of starving or dieting your weightloss will stop, you start feeling tired and sleepy due to reduced metabolism and conversion of energy and fat in the cells which is being conserve for long run. Your starvation is again not producing desired result of weightloss. What is more important is that the body will try to convert energy back to fat the moment you start eating and what weightloss you achieved in two weeks will be gained in four days if you start eating normal food.

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WEIGHTLOSS & DIETING: - The enzymes not produced in the body means there is no fuel to burn the energy and fat in the cells, muscles and weightloss cannot be achieved. This is what happens when you eat less and starve yourself trying to achieve weightloss. What ever little food you eat will give some energy into your blood. This energy will not be burned at the cells because metabolism enzymes are not available to use the energy and weightloss is not possible. In fact, the unused energy will be converted to fat and stored in your body by insulin produced by the liver which is the energy and fat regulator of your body. This means that despite your calorie intake was less you don't achieve weightloss but start opposite of weightloss - weight gain.

WEIGHTLOSS & FOOD CRAVING: - If you don't eat proper food, then the enzymes are not manufactured and weightloss is not achieved. When the body feels there is a lack of nutrients in the food you eat then the hypothalamus in the brain signals you to eat a certain type of food. This is called food craving. Food craving makes you to eat more than what you need of that one type of food and extra calories are fed to your body than your metanolism can handle because other ingredients for enzyme synthesis are still missing. This again beats your goal of weightloss.

THYROID & WEIGHTLOSS: - There is a connection between your thyroid gland and weightloss. Thyroid is the throttle of your metabolism and thus your weightloss. Thyroid determines how much energy is burned in the cells. If thyroid is damaged then you gain weight instead of weightloss. Even yeast infections can effect thyroid and your weightloss will stop and reverse.


YEAST INFECTION AND WEIGHTLOSS: - When you eat antibiotics for long durations like for arthritis etc the good bacteria in your intestines which help in digestion will also be killed along with the bad ones. Antibiotics are there in meat you eat as animals are also treated with antibiotics. This can effect your weightloss aim due to hormone imbalance and thus poor enzyme production. The death of good bacteria will enhance the growth of yeast called candida infection and interferes with the thyroid which controls metabolism or rate of energy use in the body. This will setback your aim of weightloss. Thyroid can also malfunction due to deficiency of iodine and drastically effect weightloss. Iodised salt is a solution to your thyroid problem and can help you restart your weightloss. Yeast infections can be in other parts of the body. Yeast live on sugar, so avoid sweet and sugar for efficient weightloss.

WEIGHTLOSS & DIABETES: - If you have diabetes then the energy and fat regulation of your body is not being regulated and weightloss cannot be achieved. Your liver produces insulin which regulates blood sugar levels. If the level of sugar falls in your blood then it will tell the brain for slowing down metabolism and make you feel hungry beating weightloss. If the sugar level rises then insulin will convert sugar in the blood to fat and store in places you don't want and once again weightloss is beaten.

WEIGHTLOSS VEGETABLES: - While all fruits and vegetables contain enzymes Papaya & Pineapple are two good sources of enzymes for metabolim and weightloss. Pineapple has enzyme bromelain and Papaya has enzyme papain both are good for digestion and thus weightloss through better metabolism.

WEIGHTLOSS FRUITS: - Fruits must be had whole, fruit juices had less because of high level of natural sugar fructose to achieve weightloss. Eat less carrots because it has high natural sugars for weightloss.

WEIGHTLOSS & CHEWING FOOD: - Most overweight people do not chew food. Chewing each mouthful of food at least 20 times will start the digestion of food in the mouth with saliva, the brain triggers digestive juices into the stomach and intestines. Chewing food actually breaks down the tough plant cell walls releasing the enzymes and cellulose that will help digest the food easily. This will aid metabolism and thus weightloss. Chewing your food well also makes the brain give you a feeling of satisfaction after meals which aids your aim of weightloss. The chewing of food also will brain signals of food cravings and helps further in achieving your aim of weightloss.

WEIGHTLOSS EXERCISES: - It is well known fact that exercise will speedup metabolism and achieves weightloss in a healthy way. Exercise keeps the metabolism speed high upto 12 hours after exercising and that is good for achieving weightloss. So you must exercise atleast twice a day to achieve weightloss by higher metabolism rates. What is important is not the amount of exercise but how long you exercise.

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CALORIES PER POUND WEIGHTLOSS: - It is possible to achieve weightloss of one pound with 3500 kcal spent in exercise. One hour of brisk walking is 500 kcal, one hour jogging is 650 kcal and one hour running is 850 kcal. So 30 minutes to an hours walk in the morning and again in the evening for aiding your weightloss. Remember that Weightloss does not depend on the distance but the time you walked and kept the metabolism rate high.

WEIGHTLOSS & BREATHING: - Most people are shallow breathers. Breath deep before during and after exercise and always. Deep breathing will increase oxygen intake and thus increase the weightloss through improved metabolism which requires large amount of oxygen. Thus deep breathing exercises will aid weightloss greatly. Exercising in the morning and cold climate spends more energy as the cold air entering your lungs is heated up to body temperature and thrown out. This will further aid weightloss.

LOW GI DIET & WEIGHTLOSS: - Weightloss food has to be low in the Glycemic index. Low Glycemic index foods are those which release energy to the body slowly and gradually. Thus your metabolism rates can over take the rate at which the energy is absorbed into the body and weightloss starts happening because now insulin converts stored body fat to energy which gets burned off in metabolism and super weightloss can happen in a healthy way.

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WEIGHTLOSS AFTER PREGNANCY: - It is very much possible to attain the pre pregnancy shape after child birth also through the speedup of metabolism for weightloss in about one month. If the mother keeps feeding the baby after child birth then nutritious food is important for the child's health and growth. As long as the child feeds on the mother the mother will have natural weightloss. Mothers must do mild exercise to keep the metabolism rate high and weightloss will occur naturally.

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WEIGTLOSS RECOMMENDATIONS: - You can remember these tips for successful weightloss.

Eat healthy nutritious food for successful weightloss by speeding up metabolism.

Do deep breathing exercises for providing ample oxygen for efficient metabolism and thus better weightloss.

Eat Papaya and Pineapples daily to provide enzymes naturally for good metabolism, thus better weightloss.

Drink fruit juices sparingly and eat fresh fruits whole to reduce intake of fructorse for better weightloss.

Eat less carrots which has fructose for better weightloss.

Exercise mildly 30 minutes or more like walking once or twice a day to keep metabolism rates high for upto 12 hours and get good weightloss. Early morning walk is better for weightloss.

Never eat while watching TV to prevent overeating that can topple weightloss.

Control emotional eating for continued weightloss.

Control food cravings by eating nutritious food for better weightloss.

Chew each mouthful of food atleast 20 times towards better digestion, reducing food cravings, satisfaction after meals and thus weightloss.

Eat negative calorie food if you can for even better weightloss.

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